Mapping in R updated 2016-06-03


There are loads of mapping packages for R. In this workshop I will try to go through plenty of them so you can understand the landscape. Then we'll all have a play with them. Then a discussion on what would make the ideal mapping package.


I'll have some datasets on-hand for you to use, but you are strongly encouraged to bring your own data in shapefile, raster, CSV, whatever format. We may even have collaborative snap-sessions to discuss your data problems.

Software Requirements

You must install the following before the workshop. You may need to install other packages but once these are installed then you probably have the configuration for anything else.


Add-on Packages




Installing Packages

Installing an add-on package from this list is normally just a matter of doing install.packages("raster"). You may have to install some system packages for Mac or Linux operating systems. In case of difficulties check the documentation for R on your system or ask the internet...

You can try installing all packages in one go with this:
